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Minutes, April 2011
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting April 5, 6:00 p.m.
Program Room

Present: Bob Zak, Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins, Leigh Shanny

Agenda Items:


The March 1st and March 12th minutes were approved.

Director’s Report:

Utility usage – we are out of money for heat, and have about a half payment left for electricity. We will need a transfer in May. Roland suggested that Bob contact Randy to clarify transfers within similar line items.
Personnel – Caitlin McKeon has resigned effective 4/9/11. Her position, Youth Services will, under the new budget, be a 20 hour position. Kelly will post the opening. This position, along with Childrens and Tech Services deserves re-grades, but it does not appear that the town will be evaluating positions in the near future.
Program Room – Kelly was approached by a person who works with home schooled children with a request to use the library for this purpose. The trustees agreed that this was not appropriate.
Propane tank – Kelly received an email quote from Osterman to re-grade the area around the propane tank for $1610. She will get a written quote. It was agreed that Osterman or its subcontractor do the work to ensure that it meets Osterman’s specifications. This should be paid with project money.
Boiler – the boiler continues to loose pressure. Harold Brown is monitoring it.
Roof – Heavy snow this winter resulted in damage to several terra cotta tiles. These will need to be replaced. Again, this money should be project money.
Learning Express – Kelly was approached by the director of the Lancaster library with a proposal that Lancaster, Bolton, Stow, and possibly the NRHS libraries join together to subscribe to a set of databases called Learning Express. The trustees felt we should get more information, and see if the company would be willing to offer it at a discount for a pilot year of the prograrm.


A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Chris and passed unanimously to disband the Building Committee. The remainder of project bill will be reviewed and approved by the Trustees.

The next meeting will be Monday, May 2nd at 6 p.m. at the high school.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling